Susan Boyle is unemployed, never been kissed, lives with her 10 year old cat Pebbles, cared for her mother until her passing in 2007 at the age of 91. Susan was starved of oxygen at birth which resulted in a learning disability. Attending church every weekend helped her singing develop, aided by her mother’s constant encouragement.
Simon Cowell , a judge on the show, asked “What is the dream?” The response, “To be a professional singer.” Simon responded, “Why hasn’t it worked for you.” “I’ve never been given the chance before. But here’s to hoping it’ll change.” Boy did it! Ms. Boyle sang “I Dream a Dream” from Les Miserables. The title could not be more appropriate for the performer and her life. Ms. Boyle’s performance is being heard and appreciated around the world. The YouTube video has been viewed over 19 million times. Ms. Boyle’s Facebook page has over 200,000 fans and growing…quickly!
There is so much to learn from the story of Susan Boyle.
- Have we all become too cynical? We all know the saying ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’. Underneath this rather frumpy exterior lies an incredible person with such a positive outlook. Not to mention a pretty fantastic singing talent. From being abused and teased by her schoolmates to the looks and laughs of the audience as Ms. Boyle came out and declared she would like to be like Elaine Page, the first lady of British musical theatre. Who was laughing in the end? Mostly Susan Boyle. She blew the judges and the audience away. They were too gobsmacked to reacted other than clapping their hands together whilst teary eyed. You never know what amazing talents people have, what hardships they have been through and had to overcome. While we all may not have the talent of signing as beautifully as Susan Boyle, hopefully we can all take a look at how we treat each other and show the same respect we ourselves would like to receive. Have you seen the commercial where one person does a good dead and it becomes contagious with each person having witnessed a good dead then paying it forward. That’s how we should approach every day.
- We all need a chance. We hear this quite often in the employment business. A candidate has had schooling or training and now just needs someone to give them an opportunity to use those skills. It may be hard to find that one person to give you that chance. But don’t give up. Keep networking. Keep putting yourself out there. Nothing happens when you are sitting at home on the couch watching television. It is on you to find that chance.
- What is your dream/passion? In a time when unemployment is so high maybe now is the time to identify and follow your dreams and passions. I had the pleasure of meeting a guy named, Armando Pedroso. After 9/11, he lost his sales job which he had for 18 years. Armando has never painted but decided to teach himself and found something that he is truly passionate about. Fortunately, for Armando he has been able to make a living through his art career. Not everyone will be able to make a career out of their passion, but maybe we need to engage in the passion more often and include it in our life. Take a look at our lives and simplify. Enjoy what we do have.
- Attitude….The Right Attitude. The emotion of Ms. Boyle’s performance caught us all. We knew it was either going to be horrible or wonderful. It was not only wonderful it was unbelievably beautiful. It was a story of following a dream and believing in yourself and that dream. Taking chances and not giving up, going for it! A few weeks ago, we posted a blog on Charles Swindell’s poem ‘Attitude’. Susan Boyle’s story is completely about attitude. The poem says, “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” As one of the judges put it, the entire audience was against her. I don’t think anyone told Susan Boyle that bit of information. If we could all have the attitude and outlook Ms. Boyle uses in her approach to life we might see some more magical moments in our own lives. After her performance she said she felt “bloody fantastic”…why wouldn’t she. Susan achieved a goal of singing in front of a large audience, fulfilled a promise to her late mom who encouraged her to sing, and found that person who gave her a chance….now over 19 million of them!
If for some reason you have not seen Susan Boyle’s performance, you must check it out.